Submission Guidelines

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One way or another, each one of us was educated about sexuality.  Whether it was spoken about openly or steadfastly ignored in your family of origin, this teaching had a profound effect on your sexual development.

Everyone has stories about how they’ve shared information about sexuality with their children — or their parents.  Beyond the Birds and the Bees serves as a repository for our collective wisdom, successes, failures and hilarity on the subject.

We are looking for all sorts of tales that fall into this very broad category.  Want to share your experiences?  Read through our archives for topics and check out our writing prompts.

Some general guidelines for writing:

  • Please use our submissions form or email beyondthebirdsandthebees at gmail dot com if the form seems to be broken.
  • Feel free to cross-post or republish your submission on your own blog.  We’re cool with brand-new and archived submissions.  Include the original link on the submission form so that you can be credited correctly.
  • Edit for grammar and spelling before you submit.  We will exercise our best editorial judgment too, but we’d prefer for you to have first crack at it.
  • No sexual fantasies please.  Try Clean Sheets or Literotica for that sort of submission.
  • Limit submissions to 750 or fewer words.  We want to keep entries to a tight focus for more accurate categorization, so try to limit yourself to one anecdote or concept per submission.  However, we’re very happy to take individuals’ multiple submissions.

What are you waiting for?  Share your experiences now.

If the form seems not to be working, please email beyondthebirdsandthebees at gmail dot com.  Thanks!